Design & Development Credits
Game designer and developer specializing in simple games that tell compelling stories.
Game Designer
Creepshow: The Suspense-Building Game, Kim-Joy's Magic Bakery, Court of the Dead: Dark Harvest, Pitchstorm, Pitchstorm: Creature Feature, Pitchstorm: Date Night, Pitchstorm: Awards Season, Pitchstorm: So Bad It's Good (Kickstarter Exclusive), Pitchstorm: Animation, Pitchstorm: Superhero
Contrabanter, Pirate Tails, Boo-ty Call, No Context, Tidal Blades: Heroes of the Reef, Valor & Villainy: Minions of Mordak, Valor & Villainy: Ludwig's Labyrinth, Superfight, Red Flags, Pebblerock Delivery Service, Bloodstone (Upcoming), Tidal Blades 2 (Upcoming), Ultimate Dibs (Upcoming)
Trial by Trolley, Superfight, Red Flags, Trial by Trolley: R-Rated Expansion, Superfight: All Expansions, Red Flags: All Expansions
Bookwyrm, a cozy strategy game of beautiful bookshelves. In this deck-thinning bookshelf organizing game, you are a dragon who has hoarded too many books! Players start with a disorganized pile of books spread across four colors and six genres and must choose which books to shelve, which books to lose, and how to display them to score the most points. However, tantalizing new books arrive at the bookstore every day...